Experience Facial Rejuvenation with bodenvy
Tired of looking so tired? Want to add some youth back into your face? With bodenvy, you can rejuvenate your face quickly and painlessly without the need for surgery.
No Facial or Plastic Surgery Required
You may have given up on the chance to have healthy glowing youthful skin. Wrinkles may have appeared on your face and despite using skin care and anti-aging creams, the wrinkles continue to vex you. Is the only alternative a painful, invasive, time-consuming cosmetic surgery? Luckily, that is no longer the case. At bodenvy, you can rejuvenate your skin with TempSure Envi, a treatment that uses radio frequency waves to heat up the dermis to stimulate collagen production. This collagen plumps out your skin, smoothing wrinkles and lifting loose skin on your face in the process.
bodenvy facial rejuvenation treatments are quick, painless, and non-invasive. Treatments are only 20 minutes long so you don't have to skip a beat. It's quicker than a facial and it gives you more radically drastic results! Most of our clients see measurable results in a month to six weeks. That certainly beats choosing invasive facial surgery with a long recovery time. It’s time to say goodbye to wrinkles -- and say hello to the new you in the mirror.