Toned Muscles without the Gym
Toning muscles takes time if you do it the old-fashioned way -- so why not try something new? With bodenvy, you can get the same results as 6 months at the gym in just a few treatments.
No Gym Membership Required
Toning your body at the gym can take months or even years and you still might not get the results you want. Some areas may be difficult to target with precision -- and life can get in the way of going to the gym. With bodenvy, you can get 6 months’ worth of gym results in as little as three or four treatments. We’ve got technology that can deliver thousands of painless electrical impulses to the targeted areas, contracting muscles and toning them quickly.
CoolTone delivers up to 20,000 muscle contractions in a single treatment. Get the toned legs, perky derriere and flat abs you want in as few as four treatments. You can lose up to four centimeters on your hips, thighs, in flanks with as few as three UltraShape Power treatments. You could spend months of days at the gym, doing grueling workouts -- but you don’t need to. Let bodenvy muscle toning treatments do the work for you. It’s time to get the body you’ve always dreamed of having -- with our help.